About our classes
Our letterpress and screen printing courses are typically offered in the Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters. These classes are taught by experienced instructors who will guide you through the entire printing process, from designing your artwork to pulling your first print.
In addition to our regular courses, we occasionally offer workshops and events that provide a unique opportunity to learn new skills and techniques.
Our introductory printing courses have no prerequisites, and no prior printing experience is necessary. Our classes welcome all Madison College students and employees and community members who are not currently enrolled in other courses at Madison College.
Semester-long courses follow the cost per credit guidelines at Madison college. Visit the Madison College website tuition page to learn more.
Course Enrollment Steps
- Search for classes
You can search for classes on this page, but you must log in to your account to register. - Login or Create an Account
Have an account? Login
Need an account? Create an Account
Unsure if you have an account? Search for Your Account - Select “Class Search & Enroll”
- Select Term
- Search “Printing”
- Select desired course, then select a section and click “next” at the top right to proceed with enrollment
Need Help?
For help with registration functions,
please contact the Enrollment Center at
608.246.6210 or enrollmentservices@madisoncollege.edu