Center For Printing Arts


About our classes

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Our letterpress and screen printing courses are typically offered in the Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters. These classes are taught by experienced instructors who will guide you through the entire printing process, from designing your artwork to pulling your first print.

In addition to our regular courses, we occasionally offer workshops and events that provide a unique opportunity to learn new skills and techniques.


Our introductory printing courses have no prerequisites, and no prior printing experience is necessary. Our classes welcome all Madison College students and employees and community members who are not currently enrolled in other courses at Madison College.


Semester-long courses follow the cost per credit guidelines at Madison college. Visit the Madison College website tuition page to learn more. 

Course Enrollment Steps
  1. Search for classes
    You can search for classes on this page, but you must log in to your account to register.
  2. Login or Create an Account
    Have an account? Login
    Need an account? Create an Account
    Unsure if you have an account? Search for Your Account
  3. Select “Class Search & Enroll”
    class search and enroll
  4. Select Term
    spring, summer, fall term
  5. Search “Printing”
    search bar for printing
  6. Select desired course, then select a section and click “next” at the top right to proceed with enrollment

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For help with registration functions,
please contact the Enrollment Center at
608.246.6210 or

students working in letterpress class


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Principles of Letterpress: Design and Printing

Provides a foundation in designing for letterpress including typography, composition, image creation/selection, color separation, and ink and paper selection. Students will be introduced to professional practices in a letterpress shop, terminology, composing, prepress, locking up and printing generated on a variety of presses. Artwork will be created with metal and wood handset type, and photopolymer plates using Adobe Illustrator software. No previous experience required. 

Advanced Letterpress Printing

This course will enable students who have completed the Principles of Letterpress course (or comparable coursework/experience) to continue to grow their knowledge and experience in letterpress printing. Projects will be both collaborative and self-directed. Students will become more familiar with press maintenance, set-up and the workings of a print shop. Students will gain entrepreneurial experience through creation of products for sale in pop-up events. Students often repeat this course over multiple semesters. Repeating students are able to create self-directed projects with instructor support and supervision.

Screen print courses

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Introduction to Screen Printing

Investigation into the tools, techniques and technologies of serigraphy, also known as screen printing. Students learn the safety issues surrounding this printing format. Students investigate a variety of stencil methods and produce at least one project in each of four methods. Students are also introduced to the use of the variety of inks, fabrics and papers used for differing end products, as well as the use of solvents for diluting inks and cleaning up. Projects include the development of a retail product produced through screen printing that may be offered for sale in Madison College enterprise centers. Laboratory hours are allotted to provide flexible accumulation of credit hours. Budgets and production schedules are applied to projects.

Advanced Screen Printing Workshop

This course is focused on advancing the skills of learners who have completed the Introduction to Screen Printing course and/or work experience. Emphasis will be put on concept, planning, and high-quality production of a variety of print projects. Projects will focus on further investigation into the use of specific inks, multiple layers of ink, screen mesh and stencil issues, various substrates and archival considerations. At least one multiple color fabric (or T-shirt) project will be addressed employing Plastisol inks and heat set equipment.

Let it snow printed garland


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We occasionally host continuing education workshops at the Center for Printing Arts. These workshops cover a variety of topics and techniques, from screen printing your own custom t-shirts to creating unique letterpress-printed gifts and more.

Check the News & Events page for updates on our upcoming workshops. We look forward to seeing you at our next workshop!